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The winner of the Royal Dragonfly Book Award 2018: 1st Place in Poetry. An unusual recounting
of a journey - along an invisible path of emotional responses. These poems, paintings
and travel impressions were inspired by the magnificence of Equatorial Africa.
This is the author´s first work in English.

ATA MUA - Round the world in 800 days
An award-winning travel book which grew from humble beginnings. A dreamed two-year journey started with zero funds and miraculously unfolded. Dreams do come true as long as you empty your backpack of rationality. This story, rich in laughter and a passion for new horizons, was voted the best Czech travel book in 2009 by critics as well as by readers.
Published in Czech.

OLA LAMA - Across South America
A classic journey of the body and the mind made by five spirited Moravians following the north-south chain of the Andes, sharing the backpacker's freedom with lamas and condors. The story reaches not only the high peaks, but the deep depths of the wanderer´s soul.
Published in Czech.